Gloucestershire Recycles

Do you recycle in the bathroom?

In the bathroom, we use plastic and other recyclable materials in all shapes and sizes. However, many of these items end up being wrongly put in the rubbish bin. We already brave battles in the bathroom, from blocked toilets to blitzing black mould. The battle against bathroom waste is another one we can win by simply recycling our bathroom products.

Keep your eyes peeled each day this week on Gloucestershire County Council social media accounts (GCC Facebook and Twitter) to see daily animated ‘how to recycle’ videos, which highlight the different recyclable items that you would find in your bathroom.

If everyone in the UK recycled one bathroom cleaner bottle, enough energy could be saved to vacuum around 82,460 homes.

You can also view the ‘how to’ videos on YouTube. For information on plastic recycling, visit our ‘clear on plastics’ pages.

Bathroom bottles

Be a freezer hero

Freezing the food you haven’t had time to eat acts like a pause button, giving you more time to eat the food you’ve bought.

Lots of people don’t realise it’s safe to freeze food right up to the use-by date, and then defrost in the fridge when you want it. In reality, you can freeze almost all foods (except those with a high water content, like lettuce or cucumber).

It’s a quick and easy way of stopping your food from being wasted, so make the most of your freezer with these top tips from Love Food Hate Waste.

Freezer food

Gloucestershire Real Nappies

Why choose reusable nappies

Did you know:

  • every day Gloucestershire residents throw away over 86,000 disposable nappies
  • disposing single use nappies costs Gloucestershire over £100,000 per year
  • we offer a £30 money-back voucher which can be used against the purchase of real nappies.
  • A baby uses about half a tonne of single use nappies (about 5,000) from birth to potty (2.5 years average). You only need 15 to 20 reusable cloth nappies over the same period.

Using reusable nappies means you can:

  • reduce waste – your family can cut its waste in half by switching to reusable nappies
  • be kinder to the environment – 15,000 gallons of water are needed for washing during the time a baby is in reusable nappies, but 34,000 gallons of water are used in the manufacture of disposables for the same period.
  • save money – parents can save over £750 by switching to reusable nappies.

For all the information you need, visit the real nappies section of our website and follow the Glos Nappy Project on Facebook!

Reusable nappies

Your local waste collection service

If you want to know more about your local waste and recycling service, visit the Gloucestershire Recycles website which will direct you to your local pages.